Estamos en Línea

Queremos agradecer la acogida que le han dado al video del taller de meditación del sábado 28 de marzo. Los mensajes de audio y de texto que nos han enviado compartiendo sus experiencias con el ejercicio de Armonización y Empoderamiento Energético son de gran ayuda y  estímulo para continuar con este proyecto. Si quiere unirse […]

Cafe Tertulia Espiritual

Good Morning & Happy Friday 🌸☕️ Don’t forget to join us tonight for #CafeTertulia ☕️7:00 PM to 10:00 PM @ our location in which we will talk about spirituality. Would you like to participate but you can’t come to our center? Then, we invite you to participate virtually. For more information contact us: 786-4174556 – […]

Essential Oils Benefits – Are they safe for everybody?

Many of the essential oils are safe and without adverse effects when used properly. Here are some recommendations about the use of essential oils: When using essential oils that are photosensitive (citrus) should not be exposed to the sun. They should not be applied to the skin in a pure way, they should always be […]

Meditation Benefits

The goal of meditation at its deepest level is to experience freedom from the ego-self, development of a sense of harmony with the universe, and to increase one’s sensitivity, compassion and service to others. Benefits of Meditation: 🧘🏻‍♀️It  improves concentration 🧘🏻‍♀️Improve mental and physical well being 🧘🏻‍♀️Meditation reduce stress, worry and anxiety 🧘🏻‍♀️Greater inner peace […]

Kundalini Yoga Class – Saturday Morning

Saturday’s morning! 11:00 am KUNDALINI YOGA CLASS Stepping into the Aquarian Times of Transformation renewed, refreshed and realized! Come feel the Bliss of Merging with the Soul Enjoy a soothing and vibrant Kundalini Yoga & Meditation class and experience the amazing recipes for wellness brought to us by a true Master of yoga, Yogi Bhajan. […]