Biodanza – Octubre 22

En Octubre tendremos Biodanza el martes 22 a las 7:30 pm. Separa la fecha en tu agenda para que puedas disfrutar de la experiencia. In October we will have Biodanza on Tuesday 22nd at 7:30 pm. Keep in mind the date and set it in your calendar so you can enjoy the experience.

Essential Oils Benefits – Are they safe for everybody?

Many of the essential oils are safe and without adverse effects when used properly. Here are some recommendations about the use of essential oils: When using essential oils that are photosensitive (citrus) should not be exposed to the sun. They should not be applied to the skin in a pure way, they should always be […]

Certificación Internacional en Hipnosis Clínica

REGISTRATE YA! El nuevo ciclo de la Certificación comienza pronto!🗓✍🏼 ¿Qué ofrece el programa? El programa ofrece al estudiante una amplia variedad de conocimientos, no solo de Hipnosis🌀 sino de Psicología Básica, técnicas de Programación Neurolingüística, manejo de síntomas emocionales y de salud (bajo supervisión médica), etc. Certifícate como Máster en Hipnosis Clínica.  Esta rama […]

Hypnosis – Benefits

Hypnosis can play a very real role in protecting and promoting health!⁠ Hypnosis can help improve deep sleep.⁠ Hypnosis can ease pain.⁠ Hypnosis can calm nerves⁠ It can helps change unwanted patterns and behaviors⁠ It helps to success smoking cessation⁠ Hypnosis works for weight-loss⁠ The “state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention” brought on […]