Biodanza – Octubre 22
En Octubre tendremos Biodanza el martes 22 a las 7:30 pm. Separa la fecha en tu agenda para que puedas disfrutar de la experiencia. In October we will have Biodanza on Tuesday 22nd at 7:30 pm. Keep in mind the date and set it in your calendar so you can enjoy the experience.
Essential Oils Benefits – Are they safe for everybody?

Many of the essential oils are safe and without adverse effects when used properly. Here are some recommendations about the use of essential oils: When using essential oils that are photosensitive (citrus) should not be exposed to the sun. They should not be applied to the skin in a pure way, they should always be […]
Certificación Internacional en Hipnosis Clínica
REGISTRATE YA! El nuevo ciclo de la Certificación comienza pronto!🗓✍🏼 ¿Qué ofrece el programa? El programa ofrece al estudiante una amplia variedad de conocimientos, no solo de Hipnosis🌀 sino de Psicología Básica, técnicas de Programación Neurolingüística, manejo de síntomas emocionales y de salud (bajo supervisión médica), etc. Certifícate como Máster en Hipnosis Clínica. Esta rama […]
Hypnosis – Benefits

Hypnosis can play a very real role in protecting and promoting health! Hypnosis can help improve deep sleep. Hypnosis can ease pain. Hypnosis can calm nerves It can helps change unwanted patterns and behaviors It helps to success smoking cessation Hypnosis works for weight-loss The “state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention” brought on […]