Epidauria Massage Membership

Joint the group of people who indulge in exceptional massages experience while enjoying privileges only for Epidauria’s members, with no contract or long term agreements. Massage Wellness Plan: $80.00 monthly đŸ§–â€â™€ïž ❣ đŸ’†â€â™€ïž Monthly Massage Wellness Plan includes: One 60 minutes customized massage each month. – Additional massages at low membership rate $60.00 (unlimited) – […]

Health: Back pain

Back pain is one of most common reasons for asking for massage. Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office. According to experts, approximately 80% of the world population experience a back problem at some time in their lives. The principal reason of back pain is mechanical issues; that […]

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue massage is a technique that works on the deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body, and is used when there is chronic pain, spasms, or prolonged muscular tension. It is also helpful reducing arthritis symptoms, lowering anxiety, improving recovery from injuries and lowering blood pressure. The focus of this modality is […]

CertificaciĂłn Internacional en Hipnosis ClĂ­nica

REGISTRATE YA! El nuevo ciclo de la CertificaciĂłn comienza pronto!đŸ—“âœđŸŒ ÂżQuĂ© ofrece el programa? El programa ofrece al estudiante una amplia variedad de conocimientos, no solo de Hipnosis🌀 sino de PsicologĂ­a BĂĄsica, tĂ©cnicas de ProgramaciĂłn NeurolingĂŒĂ­stica, manejo de sĂ­ntomas emocionales y de salud (bajo supervisiĂłn mĂ©dica), etc. CertifĂ­cate como MĂĄster en Hipnosis ClĂ­nica.  Esta rama […]

Hypnosis – Benefits

Hypnosis can play a very real role in protecting and promoting health!⁠ Hypnosis can help improve deep sleep.⁠ Hypnosis can ease pain.⁠ Hypnosis can calm nerves⁠ It can helps change unwanted patterns and behaviors⁠ It helps to success smoking cessation⁠ Hypnosis works for weight-loss⁠ The “state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention” brought on […]

Atopic Dermatitis Organic Mega Cream

Presenting our first creation… with this product, last year we initiated the project of developing natural products to relief many health conditions. https://epidauria.net/2019/08/07/atopic_dermatitis_organic_mega_cream/ đŸ€— After many clients experiences, especially the youngest, we now are able to say: this product is so good to relief skin irritation, itching, and inflammation! 🌿 Organic and natural salve specially […]