Miércoles 2 de marzo: Conversatorio sobre los Cambios a Nivel Planetario y su Incidencia en la Salud Integral – Segunda Parte

El miércoles 2 de marzo a las 8:00 pm ET, los esperamos en nuestro horario habitual del Conversatorio sobre Salud Integrativa y Crecimiento Personal en el que continuaremos dialogando con la Lic. Maria Nubia Aristizabal acerca de los cambios que se están dando a nivel planetario y la incidencia en la salud integral. Se pueden […]
Epidauria Massage Membership
Joint the group of people who indulge in exceptional massages experience while enjoying privileges only for Epidauria’s members, with no contract or long term agreements. Massage Wellness Plan: $80.00 monthly 🧖♀️ ❣ 💆♀️ Monthly Massage Wellness Plan includes: One 60 minutes customized massage each month. – Additional massages at low membership rate $60.00 (unlimited) – […]
Health: Back pain

Back pain is one of most common reasons for asking for massage. Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office. According to experts, approximately 80% of the world population experience a back problem at some time in their lives. The principal reason of back pain is mechanical issues; that […]
Biodanza – Octubre 22
En Octubre tendremos Biodanza el martes 22 a las 7:30 pm. Separa la fecha en tu agenda para que puedas disfrutar de la experiencia. In October we will have Biodanza on Tuesday 22nd at 7:30 pm. Keep in mind the date and set it in your calendar so you can enjoy the experience.
Cafe Tertulia Espiritual

Good Morning & Happy Friday 🌸☕️ Don’t forget to join us tonight for #CafeTertulia ☕️7:00 PM to 10:00 PM @ our location in which we will talk about spirituality. Would you like to participate but you can’t come to our center? Then, we invite you to participate virtually. For more information contact us: 786-4174556 – […]
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue massage is a technique that works on the deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body, and is used when there is chronic pain, spasms, or prolonged muscular tension. It is also helpful reducing arthritis symptoms, lowering anxiety, improving recovery from injuries and lowering blood pressure. The focus of this modality is […]
Reiki and our energy within

As energy beings, we have an infinite amount of wisdom and possibility to connect to…The Reiki system of healing is a technique for transmitting this subtle energy to yourself and others through the hands into the human energy system. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. […]
Body Lotion – Red Nature Care product
ARGAN OIL + ROSEHIP OIL BODY LOTION Smooth on this nourishing lotion, replenish moisture and essential nutrients; made with organic argan oil, organic shea butter, rosehip oil, essential oils and Vitamin E. Perfect for even the most sensitive skin. Enhance the look of skin, making it softer and more supple. it’s non-greasy, and it’s absorbed […]
Holidays Celebration – Celebración de Navidad y Año Nuevo
We are inviting our friends and collaborators to join us to celebrate the holidays’ time. Estamos invitando a nuestros amigos y colaboradores a unirse a nosotros en la celebración de navidad y comienzo de un año nuevo. December 21 – 7:00 to 10:00 PM 111 S 21st Ave. Hollywood, FL 33020
Certificación en Hipnosis Clínica – Charla Introductoria Gratuita -Professional Training and Certification in Clinical Hypnosis – Free Introductory Session
Sesión Introductoria Gratuita – Free Introductory session Junio/June 5, 2019 – 6:00 PM 111 S 21st Ave. Hollywood, FL 33020 Reservations and Informs: contact@epidauria.net – WhatsApp: 786-417-4556 – Phone: 954-251-1028